A Holistic Approach to Discouraging Your Dog from Eating Poop Feb 07, 2024


When it comes to addressing the behavior of coprophagia in dogs, taking a holistic approach that considers their microbiome, nutrition, prevention, and consistent training is key to success....

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Dog Training Guide: Preparing Your Dog for a New Baby Jan 08, 2024


  1. Familiarization with Baby Sounds

    • Exercise: Play recordings of baby sounds (crying, laughing, babbling) at low volumes, gradually increasing the volume over several weeks. This helps your...
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Is ecollar training right for my dog? Oct 30, 2023


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Mastering Impulse Control: The Red Light/Green Light Exercise for Dogs Aug 07, 2023

Impulse control is a crucial skill for any well-behaved and well-adjusted dog. It helps them make thoughtful choices, remain focused, and respond to commands promptly. The Red Light/Green Light...

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Polite Greetings: Teaching Your Dog to Stay Grounded and Greet Gracefully Aug 07, 2023

A warm and enthusiastic welcome from your furry friend is always heartwarming, but when that welcome includes exuberant jumping, it can be less enjoyable for both you and your guests. Teaching your...

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Mastering Impulse Control: Four Effective Techniques to Shape a Well-Behaved Pup Aug 07, 2023

Impulse control is a fundamental aspect of a well-mannered and obedient dog. Teaching your furry companion to resist temptations and make thoughtful choices can greatly enhance your bond and daily...

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Unleash the Fun: Beyond the Dog Park - Alternative Activities for a Happier, Well-Behaved Pup Aug 07, 2023

As a devoted dog owner, you're always on the lookout for new and exciting ways to keep your furry friend entertained, engaged, and well-behaved. While dog parks can be a great place for a few...

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The Pitfalls of Dog Parks: Why They Could Be Making Your Reactive Dog Worse Aug 07, 2023

Dog parks are often seen as a great place for dogs to socialize and burn off energy, but for reactive dogs, they can be a challenging environment. In this blog post, we will explore why dog parks...

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My Not So Simple Solution to Puppy Biting Apr 13, 2023

Man, I wish I had a quick tip to solve your hyperactive puppy’s naughty habit of biting your hands, your shirt, and your toes, but I just don’t. We can absolutely just tell your puppy...

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How to Do Crate Training Completely Wrong Apr 13, 2023

One of the best things puppy owners can do for their new fluffy friend is crate training. Most puppy owners are already very aware of the benefits of crate training but I will cover those briefly...

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What to do when your two dogs fight. Apr 13, 2023

This is a multi-dog household’s greatest fear. What happens if my dogs start fighting? Even for families whose dogs get along well and have had no previous conflicts, it is important to have...

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A Day in the Life at Western K9 Dream Dog Program Apr 13, 2023

One of my strongest beliefs around dog training is that the more we learn to meet our dog’s needs, the better they behave! This is exactly why I structure the daily schedule the way I do for...

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