Guide to a Decompression Walk Mar 14, 2023

Some of the best training sessions I have done have been on walks where I have asked for no commands at all. This comes as a huge surprise to dog owners who are used to traditional obedience of...

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These Yin and Yang principles will help you with your dog. Mar 14, 2023

There is balance in all things, dog training included. I get calls everyday of dogs out of balance and in desperate need of reestablishing an equilibrium. I believe that one of the most serious...

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What caused a dog owner to break down in tears to me on the phone. Mar 02, 2023

You might be surprised to hear that a simple phone call can be when I am learning about a dog and an owner’s training goals. Owners confide in me for one of the most important parts of their...

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Three Things to Look for When Deciding on a Dog Trainer Feb 22, 2023

1.Where is your dog going to stay? 


More and more dog owners are realizing that the typical board and train facilities are not the right fit for their dog. When dropping your dog off at...

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Ghouls, Goblins, and Good Boys Nov 07, 2022

Ding-Dong. The doorbell goes off for the 147th time tonight as the onslaught of little ghouls and witches march door to door, summoned by the promises of tricks and treats. You know your dog turns...

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