Mastering Impulse Control: Four Effective Techniques to Shape a Well-Behaved Pup

Aug 07, 2023
dog training golden retreiver impulse control kennel training redlands menifee california

Impulse control is a fundamental aspect of a well-mannered and obedient dog. Teaching your furry companion to resist temptations and make thoughtful choices can greatly enhance your bond and daily interactions. In this article, we will delve into four proven techniques that can help improve your dog's impulse control, resulting in a calmer, more focused, and happier pup.

  1. Stay for Play: Fetch or Flirt Pole: The age-old game of fetch can be a fantastic training tool to boost your dog's impulse control. Before throwing the ball or engaging in a flirt pole session, have your dog wait patiently until you give the release command. This not only builds anticipation and excitement but also teaches your pup to control their impulses. As your dog masters this skill, you'll notice an improved ability to wait for cues before dashing off, contributing to a more controlled and enjoyable playtime experience.

  2. Wait Games for Food: Mealtime offers a golden opportunity to work on impulse control. Start by having your dog sit or lie down before placing their food bowl on the ground. Gradually increase the time your dog must wait before you give the cue to eat. This simple exercise not only prevents mealtime chaos but also helps your dog learn patience and self-control, which can translate into other areas of their life.

  3. Threshold Training: Impulse control around thresholds like the front door or the kennel door is crucial for your dog's safety and your peace of mind. Teach your pup to wait patiently before being allowed to pass through these thresholds. Consistency is key here – ensure your dog only moves forward when given the go-ahead. This practice not only prevents door-dashing but also fosters self-discipline, making your dog a more respectful and controlled member of the household.

  4. Red Light/Green Light Games on their Place Mat: Creating a designated "place" for your dog, such as a mat or bed, can be an effective way to enhance impulse control. Utilize a red light/green light approach as covered in my article on this exercise.

Improving your dog's impulse control is a rewarding journey that requires patience, consistency, and effective techniques. By incorporating stay-for-play, wait games for food, threshold training, and red light/green light games on their place mat into your training routine, you'll witness a remarkable transformation in your dog's behavior and overall demeanor.

Ready to take your dog's impulse control to the next level? Sign up for our comprehensive online training program through Western K9. Our team of experienced trainers is dedicated to helping you and your pup master essential skills, fostering a harmonious and well-behaved relationship. Visit our website today to learn more and embark on this exciting training journey together!

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