Mastering Impulse Control: The Red Light/Green Light Exercise for Dogs

Aug 07, 2023

Impulse control is a crucial skill for any well-behaved and well-adjusted dog. It helps them make thoughtful choices, remain focused, and respond to commands promptly. The Red Light/Green Light exercise is an effective and engaging way to teach dogs impulse control while building their obedience and self-discipline. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the steps of this exercise to help your furry friend become a model of self-control.

Step 1: Prepare the Environment Start by setting up a comfortable place mat for your dog, along with a tieback to help them stay in place. The tieback allows your dog to have some freedom of movement while preventing them from wandering off during the exercise. This initial setup helps create a controlled and focused space for training.

Step 2: Establish a Distance Position yourself across the room from your dog, maintaining a reasonable distance. This distance will vary based on your dog's comfort level and training progress. Make sure you have your dog's attention before proceeding.

Step 3: Cue the Down Command Gently and clearly ask your dog to lie down on their designated place mat. Use a command like "down" or any other cue you've been using during your training sessions. Be patient and wait for your dog to follow the command and settle into a down position.

Step 4: Red Light/Green Light Now, it's time to introduce the red light/green light concept. As you stand across the room from your dog, imagine that you have a "red light" and a "green light" in your hands. Your body movement will mimic these lights.

  • Green Light: Walk forward slowly and purposefully towards your dog. If your dog maintains the down position without getting up or fidgeting, this is the "green light" to keep moving closer.

  • Red Light: If your dog starts to stand up or moves from their down position, immediately stop walking. Freeze in place to create a "red light." Your dog will learn that their movement caused you to halt.

Step 5: Gradual Progression Continue the exercise by alternating between red light and green light moments based on your dog's behavior. Over time, you can gradually decrease the distance between you and your dog, making the exercise more challenging. The goal is to teach your dog that their actions directly influence your movement and pace.

The Red Light/Green Light exercise is a powerful tool for teaching impulse control to dogs. By incorporating this engaging exercise into your training routine, you'll help your furry friend develop self-discipline, focus, and obedience. Remember, patience and consistency are key throughout this process.

Ready to enhance your dog's impulse control and obedience skills? Join our online training program through Western K9 and gain access to expert guidance, practical exercises, and personalized support. Transform your dog into a well-behaved and self-controlled companion. Visit our website today and take the first step towards a harmonious relationship with your canine friend.

"Teach Impulse Control with Western K9's Online Training Program"