Dog Training Guide: Preparing Your Dog for a New Baby

Jan 08, 2024


  1. Familiarization with Baby Sounds

    • Exercise: Play recordings of baby sounds (crying, laughing, babbling) at low volumes, gradually increasing the volume over several weeks. This helps your dog get used to the new and potentially startling sounds.
    • Frequency: Daily, 10-15 minutes.
  2. Desensitization to Baby Gear

    • Exercise: Introduce baby-related items (crib, stroller, toys) to your dog in a controlled setting. Allow your dog to sniff and explore these items under supervision.
    • Frequency: Several times a week, 15-20 minutes.
  3. Gentle Touch Training

    • Exercise: Gently tug and touch your dog in areas a baby might, like ears, tail, and fur. Pair these actions with treats to create positive associations.
    • Frequency: Daily, 5-10 minutes.
    • NOTE: we do NOT suggest allowing your baby to do these things to your dog. But condition beforehand *could* help in case of accidents! Your number one priority should be management to keep your dog and child separated or under strong supervision.
  4. Establishing Boundaries

    • Exercise: Train your dog to understand “off” or “stay away” commands for designated baby areas like the nursery. Use treats and praise to reinforce compliance.
    • Frequency: Daily, 10-15 minutes.
  5. Walking with a Stroller

    • Exercise: Practice walking your dog alongside an empty stroller to get them used to this new routine. Start in a quiet area, gradually moving to busier environments.
    • Frequency: Several times a week, 20-30 minutes.
  6. Baby Scent Familiarization

    • Exercise: Introduce your dog to baby scents by using baby lotion or shampoo on your skin. Later, bring home a blanket or clothing with the baby's scent from the hospital before the baby arrives.
    • Frequency: Daily, as you apply the scents to yourself.
  7. Quiet Time Training

    • Exercise: Encourage your dog to have “quiet time” when baby sounds are played or when near baby items. Reward calm behavior with treats and gentle petting. This is a great time to incorporate calming enrichment like lick mats, snuffle mats, long lasting chews etc.
    • Frequency: Daily, 20-30 minutes.
  8. Positive Associations with Baby

    • Exercise: Once the baby arrives, allow supervised, gentle interactions. Reward your dog for calm and obedient behavior around the baby.
    • Frequency: As often as safely possible, under supervision.
  9. Consistent Routine

    • Exercise: Maintain your dog’s regular feeding, walking, and playtime schedule even after the baby arrives to help them feel secure and avoid jealousy. Consider meeting a doggy walker a few weeks in advance so you have that as a resource post partum!
    • Frequency: Daily, adhering to regular routines.
  10. Professional Training

    • Consideration: If your dog shows signs of aggression or extreme anxiety, consult a professional dog trainer or behaviorist for personalized guidance.

Remember, patience and consistent training are key. Every dog reacts differently, so adjust the pace of training based on your dog's comfort and response.