What caused a dog owner to break down in tears to me on the phone.

Mar 02, 2023

You might be surprised to hear that a simple phone call can be when I am learning about a dog and an owner’s training goals. Owners confide in me for one of the most important parts of their lives: their dog. Not everyone is dealing with what others would consider serious such as aggression, reactivity, and resource guarding. Dog ownership is hard and I find many owners are burn out, overwhelmed and confused. Many have even sought training previously, and while still dealing with their dog’s issues, feel like they are at a dead end. 


One such woman called me after her vet required her to dog muzzle training before returning for future care. I talked to her for about an hour getting all the information I needed on her dog, his lifestyle, and what possible scenarios led up to him ultimately lunging and barking at the vet. Afterwards, I gave her a step by step process of how I thought we should proceed to help him overcome his fears. She sounded hopeful and excited about the possibility of at least moving forward with her dog. At this point she mentioned her other attempts to help him and the tone change. I could hear the exhaustion in her voice. The feeling of despair when her strategies fell through, leaving her feeling hopeless and heartbroken for the dog she deeply treasured. I told her what I have told many before her. “You are not alone. It’s heartbreaking when the dog you love so much is also a source of such stress and worry.” 


The conversation went quiet. A few seconds went by and a wavering voice responded, “I feel like I have failed him.” I listened to what I knew was a call for help with a situation I knew I could change for her. Grateful for guidance, she booked our first session. 


Upon arrival to the session the following week, I could see just how much this couple loved their dog. They cooked him meals and we used homemade kefir for his treats during the session. They took him for many walks and gave him so much love and care. The dog was gentle and polite to me and I could see why they were so scared of how he reacted to the vet. It felt very out of character for him. Certainly if he reacted that way, he was very afraid. 


Our session was filled with fun and laughter as we went through the exercises. The dog succeeded at the exercises and I could see a glimmer of hope in the couple’s eyes. The whole room breathed a sigh of relief and the couple enthusiastically booked their next session and thanked me again and again for my methodology and commit to helping them. 


Clients like this remind me how important a simple dog training session can be. And especially how important a simple phone call can be.